Owner & Travel Planner
Traveling Person
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8601 Blairs Ferry Rd
Cedar Rapids, IA 52411-8085


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About Me

Travel Specialization
Adventure Travel, All Inclusive, Beach Vacations, Destination Weddings/Honeymoons, Eco-Tourism, Gastronomy, Group Travel, History, Luxury Travel, Multi-generational Travel, River Cruise, Safari, Solo Travel, Wellness Travel
Destination Specialization
Alaska, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Canada, Caribbean, Central America, Europe, Hawaii, Mexico, Pacific Islands, South Africa
Languages Known
English, Spanish
ASTA Certification
Live Well & Travel Often
About me
I am the proud owner of Traveling Person. After many years of traveling and leading organized travel groups to Spain, I have transitioned my career from Spanish education to creating travel experiences, helping others plan their dream vacations.
Why I love my job
I love my job because I get to help my clients create lasting memories with unique experiences.
Favorite Destinations
My all-time favorite destination is Spain - the food, music, culture, language and the people make this my numero uno!
My other favorite destinations (almost all Spanish-speaking, no surprise there!) are Mexico and Costa Rica - the people, history, culture, food, nature, and language make them shine in my eyes. Ireland is also a favorite - must throw in one English speaking location.
About my most memorable vacation
My most memorable vacation was probably the first time I flew over the Atlantic to England. I was in 10th grade on a class trip that I had worked all summer to save up for.