Jarod McNeill, VTA
Preferred Mailing

P.O. Box 69478
Seattle, WA 98168

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About Me

Travel Specialization
Adventure Travel, Beach Vacations, Destination Weddings/Honeymoons, Group Travel, Luxury Travel, Multi-generational Travel, Ocean Cruise, River Cruise, Safari
Destination Specialization
Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Continental US, Europe, Hawaii, Mexico
Languages Known
ASTA Certification
I think the most important thing to say here is that I LOVE travel, I live for it. I love helping others experience parts of the world and I consider it a challenge to piece together the most exciting experience for all of my clients. Prior to opening up my agency, I spent time working in the cruise line, hotel & airline industries. I believe my positions in those industries made me who I am today, made me excited to experience every part of the world possible.
About me
I am not happy until you are. I want to listen to your dreams and hear about your experiences. By doing so, I will be able to piece together a once in a life time experience for you.
Why I love my job
I love to travel. I love being around new cultures and experiencing new things. I love to see my clients faces when they talk about their trips and what an impact I made on them in planning the perfect experience.
Favorite Destinations
I love Segovia Spain. I love seeing the aqueduct with the sun rising in the background, or the cathedral in all its glory. Then I walk a little further down the street and I see Alcazar (the castle), with the beautiful river and park in the background. I could sit there for hours and just stare at it in awe.
About my most memorable vacation
My most recent trip was to Dublin. It was my first time and boy did it live up to my expectations. The people there were welcoming and friendly. I was able to fit so much in during my stay and I can't wait to return and experience more!


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ASTA Legislative Day 
Sept 16-18, 2024
Washington, DC

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