Owner, Agent
Mark Anderson, VTA
Preferred Mailing

2605 Franklin Ave E
Apt C
Seattle, WA 98102-0060

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About Me

Travel Specialization
Gastronomy, Luxury Travel, River Cruise
Destination Specialization
Asia, Central America, Europe, Europe, Mexico, South America
Languages Known
ASTA Certification
Traveling is a passion of mine. I feel strongly that travel can connect you to the world in a way that very little else can. When you travel you open your eyes to our differences, but also our similarities. The world is an awesome place, let's go out and explore it
About me
My name is Mark Anderson and I am a travel advisor and a traveler. I have been to over 60 countries on 4 continents (I need to get to Australia and Antarctica!).

Some of my best memories are the unexpected encounters we have when we travel, whether it's an unexpected connection with a guide, finding something so beautiful you can't believe it's real (I see you Taj Mahal) or finding the best ice cream in the world (it's in Buenos Aires).

I've loved traveling with friends and my nieces both received amazing trips for their high school graduation. But, I'm also a fan of traveling alone giving me a chance to connect with myself along with the world.
Why I love my job
I also love planning travel also as much as the actual traveling. It feels like a puzzle I must put together. I'm so happy when I get it just right for a client. I know travel is a luxury and I'm so happy to share my expertise.
Favorite Destinations
My favorite destinations (Not ranked) Bhutan -- a true Buddhist monarchy, it will change the way you look at the world.
The Golden Temple in India -- brought back some faith in humanity and helping others.
Italy -- well because it's Italy! If you know, you know. Food, wine, culture, history, it just seems like everything is more beautiful in Italy.
About my most memorable vacation
There are a few but the single most memorable would have to be Bhutan. It's hard to get to and it's not cheap. But once you're there it's enchanting. The country operates on a low volume high value tourism model so it will never be overrun. The guides will take you to places that seem out of this world (Tiger's Nest Monestary) and the outlook on life has literally changed my life. My first day in Bhutan I got scratch on a forest walk and the guide said "It's the forest inviting you to stay" Taking what seems negative and turning it positive is a way of life in Bhutan. I've tried to adopt that.


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